Monday, June 8, 2015

Freeport, ME. Day Off, 0 miles

Day Off! This is our last rest day of the Atlantic Coast ride. So very hard to believe that our ride is coming to a close, 3 more days and Bar Harbor here we come! Freeport, ME is the home of LL Bean. It's just huge and refers to its store area as a campus. True enough, after a very wonderful dinner last night Wendy, Vickey and myself walked the 2-3 short blocks to check out the Bean. We 3 immediately wandered in different directions. Some of our ladies found just what they needed, success at the Bean! Today was spent with 4 riders at the cottage of one from the 2013 cross country. It's located on Little Diamond Island a short ferry ride from Portland. There are about 65 families that have summer cottages on the island. It's open from approximately April to Nov when the water is turned off due to exposed water pipes and the cold. Most are built without much insulation on half of the island where our friend May's is located, it's a beautiful summer get away. Marilyn, Susan, Ann, myself and May had a wonderfully relaxing day. Thanks May! Great lunch!

Map showing ferry ride to Little Diamond Island

Ferry to the Island

Four going to the Island

Leaving Portland 

Cute tug

One of 3 lighthouses

Freeport McDonalds

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